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Welcome to Kat's Diary

Maybe I'm a little biased, but if you'd ask me what the most powerful thing is on this planet I'd tell you poetry. There's a level of power that comes with the ability to have an impact on someone through your words. There are 171,476 words in the English language and when you think of all the things we've written that might seem kind of small. But the value of something is not judged by its size, even the tiniest can be infinite, even the tiniest can be deep, even the tiniest can be strong. Hundreds of years using the same words yet we've never run out of things to say. You never quite put the words in the same order as someone else but you can mean the same thing and that is extraordinary. I wonder if we've all read something that has touched us far beneath the surface. I have and I hope you have too. Here I will include some of the items that have touched me and I have a camera roll with many more. I hope some of these may touch you too, and if not I hope you find some that do.


All About Me

My name is Kathrine Dove. Writing has always been a passion of mine. For the longest time I kept it entirely to myself until recently I started sharing my poems with close friends. My amazing friends encouraged me to share the things I write with those around me and so it brings me here. My poems express how I am feeling in that exact moment in time. Although I write my poems for myself I hope that you can connect with them as much as I do. Enjoy!

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The sky is everywhere 🥀

My Inspiration

What inspired me to write do you ask? I read a novel called "The Sky is Everywhere" by Jandy Nelson my junior year of high school. The novel has truly impacted my life. The main character, named Lennie, writes poems on random objects whenever the words pop into her head. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I find that I do the same thing, except my notes on my IPhone will have to do!

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